Vision Therapy

Dr. Lee has a special interest in vision therapy, which began with her thesis in optometry school, and has continued through out her career over the past thirty years.   She assists patients with conversion insufficiency therapy and other special vision needs for eyecare.

To further support the well-being of her patients, Dr. Lee has invested in a Sensory Learning Table which brings advanced vision therapy capabilities to her practice.   The therapy table, one of only 30 known to exist in the U.S., is similar to the one that helped Dr. Lee’s special needs daughter.   She has experienced first-hand the improvements achieved with using this therapy protocol. 


About the Sensory Learning Program  

This therapy combines key elements of three different and well-established sensory stimulation therapies into one simultaneous therapeutic experience. Combining the three modalities of visual, hearing, and vestibular stimulation has remarkably accelerated sensory integration and rehabilitation processes for participants.

A movement table delivering vestibular stimulation primes and unifies the nervous system arousing the brainstem area. When combined with colored light and modulated sound frequencies, computer-controlled instrumentation provides sessions that are at once kinesthetic, integrative and desensitizing.  The visual-vestibular modality alone accounts for 92% of developmental input, while hearing accounts for the remaining 8%.


During sessions, a patient lies on the motion table, which causes repetitive sensory action of the the visual, auditory and vestibular systems via:


  • rhythmic movement of the table moves fluid in the inner ear canals to stimulate the lower brainstem and it calms fight vs flight response
  • slowly pulsating visual light in different colors stimulates optic nerve fibers being carried to the brain
  • sound modulation stimulates the auditory cortex to improve attention and listening ability  


This is a very unique sensory learning experience, rather than a cognitive approach.  Call us to learn more about this unique therapy.


Additional Resources